I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of our elected representatives always doing the wrong thing.
I’m tired of them making promises during their campaigns that they have no intention of keeping.
I’m tired of them “voting their conscience” instead of following the rule of law and adhering to the Constitution.
I’m tired of them telling us that we “have to do something” about climate change, gun violence, systemic racism, domestic terrorism, white supremacism, reparations for slavery, you fill in the blank, ad nauseum.
I’m tired of them ignoring the real issues facing our country – attacks on our unalienable rights, election integrity, border security, massive debt, deteriorating infrastructure, and threats from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
I’m tired of our elected representatives doing anything and everything BUT what we elected them to do.
I’m tired of our elected representatives ignoring the will of We the People.
It’s time for our elected representatives to do what we elected them to do.
It’s time for our elected representatives to do the right thing.
And if they refuse to do the right thing, it’s time for We the People to send them packing!
The 2022 election cycle has begun and the time for us to start is now.
We need to elect conservative candidates to replace all of the RINOs currently in office.
We need to elect conservative candidates to run against liberal Democrats.
We need to find candidates that will keep their promises.
We need to find candidates that will listen to We the People.
We need to find candidates that once elected will do the right thing because it is the right thing to do!
And if they don’t then we need to repeat the cycle in 2024, 2026, 2028 . . . until we elect representatives that WILL do the right thing.
We need to do this because it is the right thing for us to do!